Sustainable development goals

City University’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
At City University Malaysia we recognise the critical role that universities must play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We recognise that the SDGs are the blueprint for a sustainable future and we are committed to the SDGs at an institutional level. Delivering sustainable development is central to our new strategic plan; Shared Vision, Shaped by Values. The Plan presents sustainability as one of main pillars with ten associated flagship actions across the university mission.
City University Malaysia is currently focused on enhancing our customised Blueprint and Action Plans for the following University Projects:
Focus Area 1: Waste, Water and Energy Operations
City University Malaysia focuses its efforts on resource efficiency – using less, not creating more, whilst maintaining and enhancing the functional requirements and occupant experience. The focus is being efficient in what we use, whilst not overburdening the campus with infrastructure to create a resource we don’t require. The University is enhancing its energy usage through an Energy Supply Strategy Framework (ESSF).
Focus Area 2: Learning, Teaching and Research
City University Malaysia is committed to embedding sustainability into every program we teach to ensure our students are equipped to meet the expectations of business, and deal with the complexities and challenges of today’s society.
In seeking to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2015–2030), City University Malaysia seeks to align its core activities of learning, teaching and research to the SDGs.