APEL.Q – Academic Qualification

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About APEL.Q

Accreditation of Prior Experience–Based Learning for the Purpose of Qualification Award (APEL.Q) is the process of assessing the learning (formal/informal/non-formal) of an individual based on accumulated experience (knowledge and skills) to obtain academic qualifications for the program applied for.

Emphasis should be given to the main concept of APEL.Q which is the assessment of the individual’s ability to use the learning achieved through his experience in achieving the learning outcomes or knowledge of a program.

Open to registered learners (Malaysian and international citizens) at City University, Malaysia

  • Facilitates access to higher education for ‘non-traditional’ students
  • Acknowledges and validates prior learning
  • Accelerates the time to earn a qualification
  • Learning as a lifelong process
  1. FORMAL: Learning of study delivered within an organised and structured context (preschool, primary school, secondary school, college, and university) that may lead to formal recognition or a recognized qualification.
  2. INFORMAL: Learning that takes place continuously through life and work experiences. It is often unintentional learning.
  3. NON-FORMAL: Learning that takes place alongside the mainstream systems of education and training. It may be assessed but does not normally lead to formal certification.
  1. APEL.Q Application Process [download – JPG 314kb ]
  2. APEL.Q Fact Sheet (download)
  3. APEL.Q List of Evidence (download)
  4. APEL.Q Competencies In 11 Domains of The Five Clusters of Learning Outcomes (download)
  5. APEL.Q Enquiry Form (download)
  6. APEL.Q Counseling Form (download)
  7. APEL.Q Application Form (download)
  8. APEL.Q Registration Form (download)

Application Process

(1) Online Application via MQA Portal by visiting the MQA website HERE

(2) Complete the application form

(3) Select “City University, Malaysia” under Institution

(4) Submit form and process complete

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