Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment
Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Architectural Design)
(R3/0731/6/0014) (MQA/FA9393) 10/2032

Programme Description
The Architectural Design programme, which is equivalent to Board of Architects (LAM) Part I, is designed to prepare learners for a professional career that supports the building design and construction industry with the necessary technological knowledge on design, building services, building construction and materials, firefighting and safety, sustainability, and advanced skills in CAD and other relevant 3D software in producing ideas and design, drawings and documents.
Contact us to find out more about the programme and the scholarships offered.
Programme Highlights
Mode: Full Time
Duration: 36 months
Credit Hours: 121
Scholarships Available
Intake: Jan/Feb, May/June, Sept/Oct
Course in Petaling Jaya
Subjects Offered*
- Architecture Design
- History & theory of Architecture
- Building Services
- Environmental Science
- Graphic Communication
- Building Construction
- Principle of Landscape Architecture
- Computer Aided Design (2D & 3D)
*(not limited to)
Entry Requirements
1) A pass in Matriculation or Foundation studies with a minimum CGPA of 2.0 and a credit in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent; OR
ii) A pass in Matriculation /Foundation / Pre- University studies related to Architecture & related field with a minimum CGPA of 2.0; OR
iii) ApassinSTPMwithaminimumGradeC(GP2.0) in any subjects and a credit in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent; OR
iv) ADiploma(Level4, MQF)inArchitecture&related field with minimum CGPA of 2.0; OR v) An Advanced Diploma (Level 5, MQF) in Architecture & related field or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.0 as accepa ted by the senate; OR
vi) Any other Diploma Level 4, MQF) in Science and technology with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 may be admitted, subject to a rigorous internal assessment process and a credit in Mathematics at SPM level or its equivalent; OR
vii) *Pass DKM/DLKM/DVM (HEP is required to implement a screening and bridging program which correspond to the program field).
AND For qualifications (i), (iii), (vi) and (vii), a. Passed Art (Pendidikan Seni)/ Engineering Drawing subjects at SPM level or equivalent; b. Pass the portfolio test for those who fail or do not take Art subjects.
For International Students
Senate minimum requirements: A minimum score of 4.0 in IELTS OR / Malaysian University English Test (MUET) with Band 3 OR its equivalent.
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