MIID Interior Design Award

On the 26th of march Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) held one of their anual event titled “PAM HERITAGE PHOTOHUNT”.
This event was successfully held after having to take a forced hiatus of 2 years due to the pandemic. Despite the unfortunate break, PAM still managed to gather 8 groups of participant to compete in this competition for the best heritage photo. The theme of the competition was ‘Time Capsule’.
City University was represented by our Faculty of Architecture & Built environment (FOABE). Our team which consists of both students and lectures took up 2 groups in this competition.
We want to wish them a well deserved congratulations as they put their best foot forward forward and successfully bagged the ‘Best Photo Award’.
The competition was held in and around Klang, focusing on the heritage sites found in the city. There were 7 heritage sites to be exact.